HomeIncenseThe Mother's India Fragrances Incense

Amrita: The Mother's India Fragrances Incense 12 Cones

The Mother's India Fragrances Incense Cones: Amrita

Amrita is warm, comforting cinnamon mixed with earthy patchouli and cedarwood, to form a rustic blend of earthy woods and scintillating spices. It attracts good fortune and brings spice to your life!

The Mother's India Fragrances are some of the best Indian incenses available. Hand rolled and made with sweet Halmaddi (Mattipal) and honey, and blended with an exquisite range of wood powders and fragrant oils, The Mother's India Fragrances set the standard for high quality incense.

Pack contains 12 incense cones.

Condition New
Weight 0.05kg