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See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil Buddhas

See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil Buddhas reminds us to be good and virtuous and are based on the poses of the Three Wise Monkeys...

Three Wise Monkeys illustrated the idea of protecting one’s self from unsavoury or challenging behaviour, thought, or language. Wise monkey Mizaru, covers his eyes, and sees no evil; Kikazaru covers his ears, and hears no evil; and Iwazaru covers his mouth, and speaks no evil. The saying embraces a Buddhist tenet of not dwelling on evil thoughts or behaviour.

Laughing Buddha (Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha yet to come)

The Laughing Buddha is a symbol of happiness, wealth and innocent contented joy. The Buddha's belly is said to signify bountiful wealth and prosperity, by stroking it you are wishing for health, wealth & happiness.

It is said that the Laughing Buddha must always be invited into his new home, resulting in positive Chi coming into the home. He brings luck, joy and happiness into any home.

Each day rub his belly whilst focusing on bringing the happiness, joy and prosperity into your life.

Height 5.5cm x Width 13cm x Depth 4cm
Painted resin
Weight 0.15kg